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Three things Thursday!


Learning to let go of "stuff"

It's really hard to let go of stuff. We develop emotional attachments to "things". But by keeping things we don't need, we are often confusing our "stuff" with our memories. We are all so afraid of forgetting these memories that you might keep say, an old vacuum, laying around because you remember when it was purchased, or who you were with when you used it, or someone else using it. We connect our stuff with our memories and it makes us feel like we are discarding the memory instead of the item. Here are 3 ways to separate your emotions form your stuff, and truly let go of the physical parts that you no longer need.

1) Take a picture

A picture is worth a thousand word, right? Well, it certainly can free up some space in your home. Going back to the vacuum cleaner analogy. Take a photo of the vacuum. You don't have to frame it or even print it, keep it digitally so you can look at it and remember the memories that were attached to it.

letting go of stuff

2) Don't pair guilt with stuff

Do you have a set of your grandparent's china that you will never use? How about some 1970s curtains? Almost all of us have some stuff from previous generations that were important to our loved ones. But ask yourself the question - are these items important to you? If the answer is no, or somewhere along the lines of "it's important to me because it was important to my grandmother", then It's probably time to let go of these items. If that grandparent were here, he/she would probably want the best for you, and that includes a life free of stuff that you dont want or need.

3) Face it: "One day" almost never comes

I hear so often, "I'd like to keep this to pass this on to (insert loved one's name here)", or "I'll glue that back together someday", or "I might need this in the future". Welp, often that someday never comes. And your stuff sitting around the house for "One day" is truly a waste of space. Do a good deed, go donate those items to someone whose "One day" is today.

It's just stuff y'all.

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!


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