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Three things Thursday!


Are you tired? Is organizing your home your VERY LAST PRIORITY?

I feelz ya.

Y'all know how much I love organizing. But I organize A LOT for others (this mama is booked! WootWoot). And although I love every minute of it, sometimes when I come home I just want to veg out, hang out with the fam and sometimes, just sometimes, NOT organize my office. Luckily everything is pretty set up into systems so there's not much to do but maintain. But how to have energy to even do that? Two Words - Life Hacks.

Here are some ways that you can focus on doing what you really want to do this week.

1) Outsource:

Whether it's cleaning your house, HIRING A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER (hint hint), installing a TV or grocery shopping, chances are there is someone out there that you can pay to do it for you, and she can do it quicker and better than you. Go hire them.

2) Meal Prep - or just get healthy delivery:

This week I tried Crave Fuel here in Central Arkansas, a totally healthy, mostly organic, Paleo meal delivery with no junk. I am not an affiliate here so I can honestly tell you - it's been AMAZING. The food is soooo good and so fresh. I could not have made it better. Check them out, or if you are not in Central Arkansas, look for something similar in your area.

3) Order your groceries online:

I'm sure MOST of you are doing this by now (goes along with outsourcing, a la thing 1), but set a recurring calendar alert on your phone to remind you to do a 7 minute grocery shop online for pick up the next day. But be warned, Kroger won't click-list your Bota box.

Now go rest up!

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!


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