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Three things Thursday!


App happy.

Sometimes it's hard to figure out a good topic for 3 Things Thursday. This week, I randomly discussed favorite organizing apps with 3 different clients.

So sometimes, topics aren't so hard to find. ;)

Here are 3 of my current favorite apps for organizing your shizzles.

1) KeyRingApp:

How many "loyalty" cards do you have on your keychain? In your wallet? Don't you wish you didn't have to carry them around? How about taking a photo of them, storing them in an App and then giving them the ole heave ho? The checker at Kroger will thank you for not having to handle your gnarly N'Sync keychain.

2) GoodRx:

Soooo I have had a bunch of health probs since I moved back to Arkansas. I won't go into it, as I'm on my way to better, but it's annoying to be sick and prescriptions are EXPENSIVE, especially when your insurance deductible is a gazillion dollars. But I found GoodRx, and they find the lowest local prices in you area on your prescriptions. They also supply a coupon for said prescriptions. This month I went from 3 (30 day) prescriptions for $137.00 to 3 (90 day) prescriptions for about the same price. So basically three months for the price of one. I realize this app has little to do with organizing! But it has a lot to do with saving money and that's the same thing in my book!

3) Venmo:

You know what's annoying? Writing checks or going to the bank to retrieve cash to pay people back for meals/tickets/trips/facebook marketplace finds. Now you can just Venmo them. I even starting using Venmo to for clients. It's free, easy, and safe way to transfer money. I've really noticed an uptick on usage, so if you have not downloaded it already - you ought to. It's a REAL timesaver. 'Cause ain't nobody got time to go the bank!

PS I am not an affiliate for any of these apps. I genuinely use and love them!

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!


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