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Three things Thursday!


Garage, or Gae-raj if yo British.

I don't know why we all choose the hottest days of Summer to organize our Garages, but let me tell you, we all do. I have been sorting, editing, donating and organizing garages for the past 2 weeks (including my own!). It's like hot yoga for organizers I guess? Definitely getting those steps in! Here are some tips on getting your garage in order this summer.

1) Plan for at least a full day (a weekend would be best):

Even a single car garage can take a while to organize. Why is this? Well garages typically are wide open spaces where a car SHOULD go. BUT - often we fill them up with stuff instead. So unlike a bedroom that has a bed, a dresser, and some end tables, garages don't have specific zones dedicated to activities and are not usually specified by furniture. So often there is a lot more "little stuff" rather than furniture, which takes more time to go through.

2) Pre-plan.

As per point one, garages do not have traditional zones, so you need to plan them out and specify those zones yourself. Ask yourself the following questions:

- What are the goals of this space? Ie. To park my car, to house a wood shop, to store my tools.

- What "stuff" needs to be housed? If you have a lot of tools, you may want to measure for a rolling tool chest or a large peg wall. If you want to park your car, you may want to figure out how to get rid of that bow-flex that you have not used since the Reagan era. If you are a gardener, identify a wall space to store your hoes.

- Where is my "prime real estate"? I borrowed this phrase from one of my favorite clients. The "prime real estate" of your garage is the spot where you can get to and access easily. This is where you should store the items that you use the most.

3) Be judicious:

Garages are where broken tee ball sets, deflated basketballs, and mostly used cans of paint go to die. It's like they are given a final breath before making the long walk to the garbage can. Think about whether you are going to use the item again. If it's broken, how long has it been that way? When was the last time you used the item? Ask all the traditional decluttering questions that I always ask of you, and apply them here.

Peace, love, and labelmakers yall!


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