Closets, closets and more closets.
I'm writing this on a Wednesday night. As of this moment - I have organized 4 closets in 48 hours (and a kitchen... and a pantry). BOOM. What have I found myself repeating? Here are three highlights.
1) If you don't declutter, you are just moving your stuff around:
You MUST declutter to organize. Find out what doesn't serve you. Remember that your closet should be your own private VIP party. Only friends who make you feel great and lift you up are invited.
2) Storing stuff on the floor is not your friend.
So I really TRY to get stuff off of the floor. Sometimes it's just not possible, but if you can, use a shoe organizer or an over the door shoe organizer to get your shoes off the floor. Or use a cute bin for your most used shoes/belts etc.. It just makes your closet look so much better (and it's a win for your Roomba!).
3) Use uniform color velvet hangers and go from smallest clothing item to largest.
Okay and I realize that I shoved 2 things into this last thing of 3 Things, but it's okay, right? We're still friends? ;)
These hangers are inexpensive and just make the biggest difference in the world. I try to get black if I can. But def. try for the same color, bartender's choice. They don't tangle. Your clothes don't fall off. They look DOPE YALLZ.
Start small on the left hand side and "grow" as you go to the right. For example, when hanging tops, start on the left with tank tops, then graduate to short sleeve, then 3/4 sleeve, then long, then sweaters.
Peace, love, and labelmakers yall!
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