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Three things Thursday!


Wanna chat about clutter?

Maybe this appeals to you and maybe it doesn't. BUT it's nice to have options, right? Well, I have a Facebook Group with a bunch of members and we post all of our organization problems, projects, and solutions.

Basically we solve all of the world's problems.

And YOU TOO CAN JOIN! Here's the link and here are 3 reasons why you should sign up:

1) It's free!

My prices are listed on my website, but not everyone clicks on them, and sometimes it's just not a great time financially to hire help. I get it. But this is a FREE service that can help you get organized on your own. You can post pictures of your organizing projects or just lurk. Lurking is totally accepted here, everyone is on their own path!

2) You can get tips and tricks on your organization projects in real time. Unless I'm with a client, I WILL RESPOND to your comments. But of course if I'm in a session you will get radio silence until afterward. BUT there are a bunch of other professional organizers and also just people who love organizing in general in this group. Along with people who just WANT to get organized but don't know where to start. The organizing experience (or lack thereof) runs the gamut, which is why this group is so great. Remember, none of us were born with this skill, it's a learned behavior. We're here to help each other.

3) No judgments.

Rules posted are basically that you can't be a meanie because I will boot you right outta the group. Only love, kindness and encouragement allowed!

Peace, love, and labelmakers!


Like my blog? Sign up to receive it every Thursday and follow us on Social! Werd.

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