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3 Things: Is your kitchen b**tchin?


......Check a sista out TODAY on Good Afternoon Afternoon Arkansas! I'll be discussing the below tips and MORE on Kitchen Organization!

1) Declutter (and I threw in a little spice): Yeah I know I know I know - this is ALWAYS the first step. But hear me out. If you don't get rid of things that you don't need - aren't you really just moving stuff around? So get rid of that box of chicken tikka masala seasoning that moved with you from college. Do you have multiple colanders, spatulas, whisks? Yeah you do. Eliminate the ones you use the least. What about spices? Rule of thumb, if they don't smell like what they are "supposed to smell like" - time to toss 'em. Oh! Check those expiration dates! I personally like my spices in drawers - but I've recently used 3M command strip caddies to hang them up for clients in empty space!

2) Pot and pan organizers: So these are really great, and the first one (the vertical divider) I use all over the kitchen. I use these dividers for pans, lids, baking sheets, and cutting boards. Just like paper - I am always trying to store things vertically to avoid a pile.

3) Risers: So like, what's better than a shelf? TWO SHELVES! Risers can make that happen for you. Slide shorter items under (like plates and shallow dishes), and taller items aboce (like mugs and glasses). Voila - double your space!

Happy Thursday my friends!!!

Peace, love, and labelmakers!


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